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Date Posted: 13:44:36 04/18/11 Mon
Author: matching mole
Subject: Re: HELP! Most character appearances
In reply to: d'Herblay 's message, "Re: HELP! Most character appearances" on 22:27:57 01/16/11 Sun

This is the kind of minutia (sp?) that fascinates and I can't resist addressing although this is the first time I've even looked at this site in a year or so (much less posted here).

Most of these figures look slightly high to me, perhaps based on characters being listed on the credits for episodes they weren't in (or this issue of an unaired pilot which I'm not counting and I guess IMBD is counting). Although Angel being the character in the most episodes is undoubtedly true.

To my knowledge there only were 144 episodes of Buffy (12 the first season and 22 each season thereafter)and Xander was absent for 'Conversations with Dead People' making his count 143. Willow and Buffy were in all the BtVS episodes plus a handful of crossovers to Angel. I thought Buffy had been in two and Willow in three (although two of those were extremely brief) but I could be wrong. That would give Buffy 146 and Willow 147.

Angel and Cordelia are more complicated. Angel was in all 110 episodes of his own show plus some (but not all) episodes of S1 BtVS, all or virtually all of the S2 and S3 BtVS and a few episodes in later seasons. That definitely pushes him over the 160 episode mark but how far?

Cordelia is the most complicated. She was in most of S1 of BtVS but not all. I presume she was in all of S2 and S3 - let's assume she missed two episodes in S1 for a total of 54.

In Angel she was in all episodes for the first three seasons (66) and 1 episode in S5. In S4 she was absent for some episodes not sure how many. I'll assume she appeared in no more than 18 of the episodes in that season (I'm sure she missed at least four).

This gives her 54 episodes of BtVS and 85 of Angel for a total of 139. I'm not sure how you could come up with another 7 or 8 episodes to bring her up to Willow and Buffy.

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