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Date Posted: 17:55:05 09/23/13 Mon
Author: Zappingmania
Subject: Re: "The Meaning Behind the First Evil"
In reply to: Trent 's message, ""The Meaning Behind the First Evil"" on 21:37:29 10/13/09 Tue

I was a big fan of season seven too, the best season for sure, its very dark and full of mind twists(but this point was almost like a joke, thanks to the first evil, mostly the name of the being, kind of reminds me an old fashion cartoon villain), my problem with season seven is, that you can cut the season in 15 episodes and you will get a good season in that way, season seven is all about waiting, but I guess, that's what people cant understand the first evil, like you said, it's the fear inside everyone and it all makes sense.

If you got back to the episode Amends, Angel returned from hell full of fear and guilt, and thats the key of all, I think the first evil is in Sunnydale on season seven, because of that point, Willow is full of guilt, Spike is full of guilt, Dawn, Xander and even Buffy, the guilt is the food for the first evil. The first evil appears on Amends for that and dissapears in the same way, after Angel get back to common sense and stop to feel guilty(thanks to your words I understand more this season, they need to deal with their inner fears).

Come to think the Belljoxa's eye is correct, the first evil appears again thanks to Buffy, remember Angel returned from hell and the first evil gave him a welcome and Buffy got back from some place, it all make sense now, the eye is correct, Buffy is full of guilt and fear after her rebirth kind of way, somehow the villain of season six should be the first evil, ironic again. (Interesting note, the first evil never took the shape of Angel in the episode Amends).

I think when Whedon said we going back to the past in this season, it was an ironic way to say, we gonna see some ghosts from the past, brilliant season, but like I said, the season is full of regular episodes, that you can easily cut off, and still get a good season, points that I dont like, the waiting, there is too much waiting around the season, but there is a reason for that, the fear, when people have fear, they just dont know what to do. When you are in your 20's, you have that feeling, what you gonna do, too many things to see and do, and what people are expecting about you, all this mix, can create fears.

Basically, the first evil appears because of the fear and doubts of the whole gang, and especially the ones around the slayer, a weak mind slayer will be a perfect scenario, a highway to hell, and thats the whole reason of season seven, like you explain Buffy needs to grow up, took the leadership in Giles style and that wont be good for the others, since they were in fear too, the first evil mocks and appears over and over, because it was feeding all the time by the fears of the gang, the slayer and the potentials.

The first evil's plan, probably the whole plan was made a long time ago, the first evil just wait until the time when Buffy will be cover by guilty and fear, at that time, it can blow the watcher's central, kill the potentials by the bringers and harvest an army of Turok-Han.

Remember the last speech of the First and Buffy
Ooh! Ow! Mommy! This mortal wound
is all itchy!
(leans in)
You pulled a nice trick. Hey, you
came pretty close to smacking me
down. What more do you want?

Buffy pulls herself up on her hands, fury in her eyes.

I want you... to get out of my face.

These final words are the same ones, who everyone said to the fear and move on, brilliant way to explain by this series.

Another problem of the season is the name of the being, "The first evil", called the first for short, it was too interesting, but at the same time more like a joke, I dont know if the reason of the name was a unintentional way to lead our minds to think that the first evil was actually The devil or Lucifer, since according with some versions of the Bible, Lucifer was the first evil since it was against God and also it was the first stain of evil in the Eden, with the shape form of the snake, also in the Bible and in pop culture, the Devil is also mentioned as a taunter, like I said unintentional because the first evil even join forces with a preacher, but again more like a joke, since this preacher was a psycho man more than a worker of God, I think that in some way the writers try to enter in conflict with theology stuff at this point, in some way they try to say, the first evil is above everything even The Devil, even the seal of Danzhaltar looks like a diabolic pentagram with a goat head.

Another problem of season seven, Anya, as much as I like this character, the whole speech of Anya about the first evil is lying, in some way made the fans to believe that Anya is right and the first evil is a joke, that took away a lot of fears elements that we saw in the episode conversations with dead people.

The last problem it will the speeches of the first evil, the whole of idea of be corporeal, it's very dark and I almost can be sure, that it can't be corporeal, in a common way of the word, mostly to me the first evil can be corporeal, if it can has the access to enter in every human being, the result will be a hell on Earth. There is a lot of missed plots at this point, why the first want to be corporeal?, how it can be corporeal?, and many more.

In resume, its a good season, but it has some Angel show feeling more than Buffy feeling, it isnt a fun season in any way, but its the best season, mostly because I like this kind of theological dark phsychologic thriller kind of way, the season is spooky at times, like how the first can force others to kill themselves, the turok han, the preacher, and besides the ending is epic, the whole army idea.

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