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Date Posted: 14:26:56 09/07/14 Sun
Author: cjl
Subject: A long time ago, we used to be friends
In reply to: Sophist 's message, "The Veronica Mars movie is good" on 07:08:11 03/18/14 Tue

"You were right--Neptune High is on a Hellmouth."

BUFFY shout-out!

I couldn't resist chiming in here. (Consider this our own tenth anniversary get-together!)

You know, when dead TV series are revived like this, people always ask: "Is this just for fans, or would newbies enjoy it?" My wife asked me that same question, and I had to reluctantly reply: "Nah. Fans only."

It's not that the movie doesn't stand up on its own merits; it's just that some of the characters have changed so much, or have so little to do in the movie, that you really have to remember them as they were for their presence to work here.

I mean, Logan Echolls has gone from Obligatory Psychotic Jackass to snarky antagonist to brooding anti-hero love interest to (now) an Officer and sort-of-a Gentleman. Jason Dohring is so low-key in the movie that you have to remind yourself how nearly unhinged and exciting he was during the series. Beating up Piz again doesn't count.

(Aw, poor Piz. I like Piz. He doesn't deserve to be the Baxter...but he is the Baxter. C'mon, Ronnie! He's got a cool job with NPR! He works with Ira Glass! You're really dumping him for Logan--again? Sigh.)

I guess my real problem with the movie is that the murder mystery itself didn't thrill me too much. I wanted to see more of Veronica's love/hate relationship with Neptune, how the town's seediness and corruption both gives her purpose and fuels her anger, and how it all ties into her love for Keith and her determination to protect him and live up to his legacy. The subplot with Weevil (yay!) lasted about twenty seconds, but that's the movie I checked in for, how Neptune forces our heroes back into old habits and old roles.

But I can't complain too loudly--even though I do. We got Mac and Wallace in great new jobs ("$10,000 Pyramid: Things a Whore Would Say!"), Dick Casablancas and Vinnie Van Lowe, a new Lamb with an old attitude, Celeste Kane(!) and all the oh-niner nostalgia you could possibly eat in one sitting. Keith even got in his "Who's Your Daddy?" tagline! (And it's still not creepy, not creepy at all.)

So, yeah, I enjoyed the movie, and I hope Rob Thomas gets to do another one. But this baby really was for fans only.

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