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Date Posted: 13:28:48 02/15/08 Fri
Author: Rich
Subject: Re: motivations
In reply to: manwitch 's message, "Re: No Offense taken" on 10:27:53 02/15/08 Fri

1. The potentials are terrified, and they don't like it.

2. Kennedy. I think she's manuevering for power. She thinks Faith will be easier to manipulate than Buffy.

3. Wood. Spike nearly killed him, and threatened to finish the job. Buffy protects Spike. He can't understand or accept this situation, therefore her tries to change it.

4. Giles. He's spent most of his adult life working for the Council of Watchers, most of whom are now dead. Buffy doesn't trust him anymore. Spike is still alive. He has a lot of reasons to be upset, and he takes them all out on Buffy.

5. Xander. The man just lost his eye - he shouldn't even be out of the hospital yet, let alone in the middle of a war. It's understandabe if he's a little depressed.

6. Anya. Anya loves Xander. Xander followed Buffy. Xander got hurt. Therefore it's Buffy's fault. Anya used to be a vengeance demon. Do the math.

7. Faith. As I said before, she's totally blameless - she doesn't want to replace Buffy. She does want what's best for the group ("other things matter more"). If the group won't follow Buffy, what's the next best choice ?

8. Willow & Dawn. Out of all the people who are actually present, they know Buffy the best. They can see how shaken she is, and realize that she's grasping at straws (more on this below). She hasn't thought things through, and they know it. They don't necessarily want her gone, but they know she needs time to rest and think.

9. Buffy. Caleb mopped the floor with her in the vineyard, and did it again in the school. She doesn't know how to beat him, or how to defeat the First. In fact, she doesn't think she CAN defeat the First. According to what she later tells Spike, it "hadn't occurred to her" that they were going to win. She's tired, scared, depressed, and desperate, and she can't let any of that show.

In fact, storming the vineyard is a bad plan. Granted, Buffy eventually does get past Caleb - but she does it by using superior speed and agility, which the potentials don't have. Had she prevailed in the argument, she would have led them into a massacre. The scoobies were right to question her judgement on this one, although expelling her from the house was a severe overreaction.

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