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Date Posted: 09:49:34 03/06/08 Thu
Author: Sunshine
Subject: Re: Double Standard - Correction
In reply to: Trent 's message, "Double Standard" on 18:30:06 03/04/08 Tue

I had not viewed Dirty Girls in some time so I went back and watched it and Empty Places again and I was mistaken is saying there was no questioning of Buffy's plan. Prior to the recon of the vineyard, Xander, Giles, Willow and even Spike questioned as to whether Buffy would be walking into a trap. Now I discount Giles opinion as he had just tried to get Spike killed so I do not think it unreasonable for Buffy to ignore his input. However, she should have considered the others oposition. So, since she was the one in charge, I guess if you have to find fault she would have to shoulder the blame. However, this is not the first time that Buffy's plans had been questioned and in all the other cases, her judgement had been proven correct. The girl had some remarkably good intuition about these things. After the recon, everybody (except for Rona who had been whining since the second she stepped off the bus) seemed on board with the plan. I personally don't feel the need to assign blame as in war things go wrong and people are hurt.
I do find fault with Buffy in Empty Places. I think her stategic sense that the vineyard was the key was correct but her tactics were all wrong. She did not seem to fully appreciate the damage, both physical and psychological, that had been inflicted on her troops. She needed to listen to Faith and back off and let the girls recuperate, not attack the vineyard again. She needed to rethink the tactics - the solo attack she hatched after the night with Spike was the way to go as another full on frontal attack was likely to achieve the same disasterous results as the first attack.

As far as double standard wrt Buffy and Kennedy, I take a less black and white view. There is a time to rebell and there is a time to go along. I do not think Buffy and Kennedy's situation were at all the same. When Buffy rejected the Council, she had been fighting for three years and had averted several apocalypses with little or no help from the Council. In fact, they had almost gotten her (and Joyce) killed in the Cruciamentum, had fired Giles and had refused to help save her lover and important ally. I certainly find no fault in her graduating from the Council as they had demonstrated that they had absolutely no respect for her, something they again made clear in Checkpoint. Kennedy had been in the fray for a couple of months and at that point had accomplished absolutely nothing (well except for bedding Willow). Buffy had earned the right to rebell, Kennedy had not. Not a double standard at all in my opinion.

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  • Double Standard Conflatus -- manwitch, 07:45:09 03/08/08 Sat
  • Just to add.... -- Sophist, 16:13:00 03/08/08 Sat
  • HYPOCRITES -- Trent, 19:35:48 01/16/10 Sat

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