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Date Posted: 05:57:03 05/23/08 Fri
Author: Majin Gojira
Subject: Quibble: Horror does not equate to what scares individuals
In reply to: Ann 's message, "Re: I agree (Spoileres Supernatural Season 3 including finale)" on 15:02:59 05/19/08 Mon

Man, am I glad I wasted a college course on Horror Film.

While I agree the horror elements faded, they were still there. Horror isn't about what scares you, the individual. That is subjective and to everyone who isn't you, largely worthless.

It is really about film techniques. Specific angles, types of shots and so on designed to heighten tension. Yes, evoking emotions can be that mechanical if you do it enough. Things that limit the audience's perspective, or shots that show the audience more than the emotive target character can see/be aware of.

Then there are the ovaraching concepts that it takes directly from Horror films of the 80s and early 90s (IE: The Slasher genre). Of these, the Incompetent or Evil authority figures is probably the most prominent, second only by "Madness caused or related to supernatural exposure" or the use of "disfiguring" in the demon design.

Let's also mention, just breifly, the numerous times we've seen hapless humans run down a dark alley. Classic Horror Trope.

To put the nail in this coffin about whether or not Buffy continues to be Horror, I present this link:

To use a parallel, just because "The Thing from Another World" isn't as scary to a modern audience (or that there is a remake of it which is more frightening) doesn't change the fact that it is still a horror film and uses horror film techniques.

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