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Date Posted: 17:40:20 07/30/08 Wed
Author: Sophist
Subject: More detail on the differences
In reply to: Sophist 's message, "I found the site" on 12:54:16 07/30/08 Wed

I was posting in a hurry earlier and didn't have time to explain more what I have in mind and how it differs.

The Slayage site is very useful in some ways, but it's incomplete in important respects (e.g., there are no character essays yet). More significantly, though, it doesn't even try to do two things which my proposal does do:

1. Slayage provides links to the transcripts, a summary of the episode, and a few comments about it. In contrast, what I propose is to post the transcripts and in the transcripts provide (1) hyperlinks to cultural references; and (2)footnotes to references to previous episodes (and a few other notable items). Even the Slayage references to pop culture are incomplete. Just for example, it notes Buffy's reference to Al Franken in Becoming 1, but not her reference to Alfalfa. I hyperlinked that and lots more cultural references as well (e.g., Angel's reference to "Our Fathers" and an "Act of Contrition").

2. Slayage doesn't have essays with the episode summaries or the transcripts. Instead, it has what I'd call blurbs which give a TV Guide-type evaluation of the episode. Now that's useful, but I envision something more scholarly such as an essay on the themes, metaphors, character development, etc. in each episode. That essay would be right there following the transcript so a student could follow along or a scholar could disagree (that being what scholars do).

Hope this helps.

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