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Date Posted: 18:16:36 08/02/08 Sat
Author: Isabel
Subject: Re: Dr. Horrible - ... (Spoilers)
In reply to: Darby 's message, "Dr. Horrible - We're all forgetting something (Spoilers)" on 06:38:52 08/02/08 Sat

That's something I hadn't thought of, but should have considering Joss doesn't always leave characters dead.

When I watched it the first time, I was a bit disappointed in the ending. I am a happy ending junkie and there wasn't one. Then I realized that Dr. Horrible played more like a tragic opera than a light-hearted musical parody. At the end, the protagonist gets exactly what he said he wanted in the beginning: He gets into the Evil League of Evil by accidentally causing her death (and letting everyone assume that's what he wanted in the first place) and he's shown her (Penny) that he cares for her by staying with her as she dies.

I had hopes that Penny would realize that Billy was better than Capt. Hammer and just become more than a 'Princess in a tower' type of character. She is just there with her amorphous do-gooder dreams and attracts the attention of both the good and bad guy. (And can't both of those adjectives be applied equally to Dr. Horrible and Capt. Hammer?)

Before the last part 'aired?' I was strongly suspecting that Penny worked for Bad Horse and was there to observe Billy and report back to the Evil League on his evilness. He had been applying for a while, he had only just gotten a reply that he was being watched. She shows up in exactly the right place to see his Internet posted heist of the Wonderflonium. Heck, the assassination requst could have come from her to get back at Capt. Hammer for throwing her in the garbage.

So yes, I could see Penny coming back evil or having a clone/twin or something.

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