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Date Posted: 14:34:18 01/26/09 Mon
Author: Seven
Subject: Postings on This Board

Hey Everyone,

I'm writing this because I am wondering a few things.

When I found this site during the 7th season of Buffy/4th season of Angel/Canceled season of Firefly, it was a posting machine. While I hardly considered any of my own posts to be all that engaging, I found most others to be interesting and thought-provoking - not to mention plentiful.

This trend continued through the final season of Angel and then understandably slowed thereafter. During this time, Masq made the change in the heading - this page was no longer only about Jossverse material only, but also a plethora of other discussion-worthy content.

I was ecstatic to see this change because while Buffy/Angel were by far my favorite shows at the time, I knew that shows like Lost and Veronica Mars were moving upward in my personal ranks. I was excited to read what the philosophically minded posters would do with a wider range of material.

Sadly, however, this did not happen. While there have been a few postings here and there, no one seems to bother engaging in the types of discussion that I was spoiled with only a few short years ago.

How I would love to hear what some of the posters here think of Lost,Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles,Heroes, or Supernatural. But these shows don't seem to generate the same level of commitment that Joss' shows did.

I realize that people are posting at other sites. Perhaps I could be directed to some that are engaging, but the thing that I enjoyed about this particular site was the level of thinking that was being exhibited. I've been to a few fan sites, but I am never able to find the same depth of material generated by the posters. There are far too many short, useless, and immature ramblings about whether an actor is hot. While there certainly were posters who exclaimed their adoration for Spike, Angel, River, and the like, they managed to do so with clever word play and simply a level of sophistication that pleased me. Suffice to say, I'd rather not go somewhere else. I'd rather the board reemerge as the powerhouse of philosophical discussion that it once was.

So here brings me to the focus of my pondering. They can be boiled down to 3 questions:

1. Why aren't people posting any philosophical goodness anymore?
2. If the answer to #1 is "because we are posting elsewhere," what are these sites?

And finally,

3. When Dollhouse premieres in a few short weeks, will this board once again be full of postings as it was in its heyday?

Hoping to hear from you all soon,


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