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Date Posted: 07:21:59 02/21/09 Sat
Author: Cactus Watcher
Subject: Dollhouse 1.2: The Target - Off target(Spoilers)

I have to say the episode was disappointing for a number of reasons. Superficially, the story was cheap, the new big villain, Alpha, was presented (pardon my French) in a comic book fashion, and most importantly it failed to generate any simpathy from me toward Echo.

Who is this person Echo and why should I care about her? Put bluntly at the moment I don't care about her. Last night's episode was like one of those teenage slasher movies when the villain is chasing the first victim you don't know a damn thing about and never will. You really can't care that much because you're supposed to be affected more when the villain is chasing the pretty girl and her cute boyfriend you've followed through the story and learned all about. By putting off telling us more about Caroline, it's tough to care about Echo at all. I found myself rooting for Faith last night. But after she jumps on the guy, beats on him pretty good and he still keeps fighting, it's clear Echo is no Faith. At that point Faith disappeared from the story for me, but I don't have the slightest idea who is left.

Last night we almost, but not quite learned something about Echo's handler. All we know is that he was a little put off by the idea of dealing with her too closely. So by all rights we should have been shown how he gets closer to her and how Echo will depend on him from now on. The scene where he reaches out to her in the main plot fails precisely because other than the gun he carries she doesn't need him! She could have found a gun in the Park Ranger's office and he could have died without reaching her, and there would be no reason for the audience to care.

What in the hell is this faceless villain garbage in the second episode? I can't image any plot device more feeble. Not only is it lame, it doesn't make any sense. We barely know the faces of the people we're supposed to know. Why show us a menacing faceless figure, unless you are going for cheap thrills? Frankly, unless it's Giles (not ASH, but Giles) I could not care less. Didn't Joss learn anything from the boredom people had with the bogeyman Adam? Also where would this escaped Alpha male (God, is that trite!) find the funds to completely fool the the super wealthy Dollhouse with fake documents? If this is turning into a another comic book series like Heroes, the weeks which I will continue to watch are running out quickly.

I've heard some of our ATPo friends already questioning the ick-factor in the first episode and the general plot of the show. The ick-factor was a lot higher last night. This is not at all encouraging for the survival of the show for the full run of 13 epsodes that have already been shot.

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