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Date Posted: 22:34:07 06/18/09 Thu
Author: Rufus
Subject: Reply to an old post about Glory s5

Date Posted: 16:10:05 04/30/07 Mon
Author: David
Subject: Metaphysics of gods

I was watching some old Buffy episodes recently (season 5) and I saw the Gift again, where Ben is killed, and its assumed Glory died too, but after seeing it, I just wondered how Glory could "die" so easily, she was supposed to be a very powerful god (enough to make 2 other gods afraid), I know she was limited by being in Ben and on the earthly plane, but I always thought death would be different for a god, compared to humans, vampires, demons, etc.

Do you think there's anyway she survived or have any theories on how she could survive (personally, I'd like to write a story with her in it, but I'm not sure how to bring her back, any help on that would be great).


Talk about a late answer to a question, but here goes.

Season 5 Spiral

GREGOR: What do you know of the beast?
BUFFY: Strong. Fast. Hellgod.

GREGOR: From a dimension of unspeakable torment.

BUFFY: A demon dimension. I know. She ruled with two other hellgods, right?

GREGOR: Along with the beast they were a triumvirate of suffering and despair. Ruling with equal vengeance. But the beast's power grew beyond even what they could conceive. As did her lust for pain and misery. They looked upon her, what she had become ... and trembled.

BUFFY: (nervously) A god afraid?

GREGOR: Such was her power. They feared she would attempt to seize their dimension for herself, and decided to strike first. A great battle erupted. In the end, they stood victorious over the beast ... barely. She was cast out. Banished to this lower plane of existence, forced to live and eventually die trapped within the body of a mortal ... a newborn male, created as her prison. That is the beast's ... only weakness.

BUFFY: Kill the man ... and the god dies.

GREGOR: Unfortunately, the identity of the human vessel has never been discovered.

BUFFY: (puzzled) I don't understand. Now, I've seen Glory. Not a whole lot going on in the hairy chest department.
GREGOR: You have seen a glimpse of the true beast. Her power was too great to be completely contained. She's found a way to escape her mortal prison ... for brief periods, before her energies are exhausted and she's forced back ... into her living cell of meat and bone.

The information from Gregor was used as the reason to kill Dawn (Key) by his Knights and later by Giles. Writer (Steven DeKnight is credited with this script)create the rules for the world they are writing for like BTVS. Worlds change and writers can change the rules. If there is a spark of the truth from the show so far I'm sure a writer can find a way to explain why killing Ben didn't forever kill Glory. Glory may not have been known as a life creating god but who's to say that she couldn't find a way to recreate her own without a key as an escape route? In short, the Knights and Monks could have been right and wrong in some things.

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