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Date Posted: 09:16:42 04/25/07 Wed
Author: Age
Subject: Re: L.W.Look at 8.1 (Spoilers) Part Last.
In reply to: Age 's message, "Re: L.W.Look at 8.1 (Spoilers) Part Eight." on 09:13:29 04/25/07 Wed

If the task at hand is a daunting one, then when the reader turns the page he/she sees how much harder it’s going to become as the story returns to that of Voll. On the next couple of pages the reader learns just how desperate and to what lengths he’s willing to go to stop Buffy. What the reader learns is that instead of being an outsider in the sense of not knowing about the unnatural or magic, Voll has it at his disposal and is willing to supply whoever can take down Buffy, no matter what or whom they have been eating. Some have speculated that the unseen subject is Adam. If this is so, then along with Amy, as the reader learns on the next page, another figure from Buffy’s past, this time a male cyborg that represents homogenization to complement the female witch who represents the adolescent easy way will be trying to stop Buffy’s forward movement as an adult. Are these just reactionary figures or metaphors for self doubt on the part of the Scoobs? Also, while Voll has some knowledge of magic, he seems not to have much experience with it. He seems as green as the new slayers in this department, perhaps symbolized by the colour bordering him in two of the panels, the first and the last through which he is viewing. The reader also learns that the guy down in the crater wasn’t harmed as the earlier scene suggested. His survival gives the opportunity to show that the feminine is devalued by this male as he refers to the scream the guy made as girly when in fact actually because a man screamed the scream should be categorized as manly. The devaluing of the women may be symbolized also in the white-wash hospital colour of the panels tinged with blue, accompanied by the fact in only one panel on the two pages there’s only one female employee, a nurse, sitting down, bordered/penned off on the fringe of the panel and ‘overpowered’ by two guys, standing over her.) The only other woman is locked away and out of sight and as the reader will see, sitting, not standing on her own two feet.

The final page has just one panel in it focusing on Amy and the huge dark shadow of menace she’s casting in order to suggest to the reader that he or she should go out and buy the comic next month in order to find out just what kind of danger she really poses! (Hey! These guys gotta make their money, comics don’t print themselves, you know!) The panel is rendered in an olive green and yellow, reiterating the colour the reader first saw with Voll. Amy looks crazed by anger and wounds. Metaphor? Certainly the idea that she’s a BANDAID solution at best, comes to mind. Amy as adolescent agent of patriarchy licking its wounds so to speak and going on the offensive? I wonder if the crystal ball is meant to be the opposite of the first helicopter panel way back at the beginning of the comic, the open purple night stars of the first are here collected and contained within the yellow orb prison as Amy is at the moment?

Okay, that’s it. Hopefully this has been more than just my projections or a classic case of over analyzing. To be honest, I wasn’t terribly impressed with this first issue. It seemed too short and not like an episode at all. That may simply be because it’s a different format. I really miss the TV series. However, having gone through the thing panel by panel I’m thankful it’s as short as it is.

Thanks for wading through this long and winded look at 8.1.

One last thing: GRRRR ARRRGH!


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