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Date Posted: 10:44:55 01/17/07 Wed
Author: David Kociemba
Subject: online buffy seminar

I’d like to encourage interested members to sign up for some serious fun.

My background: I’ve taught several seminars on the Buffyverse at the Massachusetts College of Art and Emerson College over the past three years. I’ve published two articles on the series at Slayage (which you can find at http://slayageonline.com/ in issues 19 and 22.) I’ve presented articles at a several conferences, including the latest biannual one on the Whedonverses, Charming and Crafty at Harvard University, and for the Popular Culture and American Culture Associations.

What you can expect: The course will give students the rare opportunity study the evolution of a single, long-running series in its entirety. This course will offer you the depth of understanding granted by courses that study the work of a single director. Students will practice a variety of critical approaches on a single subject: genre and auteur theory, cultural studies, and close reading of individual episodes. The goal will be a more complete understanding of the series and its meanings. (Translation: it’s not fanboy, but I do respect the artistry and politics of the series.)

The price of admission: It’s $710. The course materials would be buying a few books, and either renting or purchasing seasons of the series. The start date would be January 29th and it would end on May 7th. You’d get an enriching experience and 3 academic credits.

You can see how to register for “Truths My TV Told Me: Deconstructing Buffy” (CSB 315X-C1) here: http://www.massart.edu/at_massart/academic_prgms/continuing/info/registration/how/

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at my Emerson account, which is David_Kociemba “at” emerson “dot” edu.

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