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Date Posted: 11:33:10 02/28/07 Wed
Author: cjl
Subject: Burger slinging Xander
In reply to: Darby 's message, "DoubleMeat Palace" on 05:00:50 02/28/07 Wed

Hey Darbs! How's Sara and the young 'un?

(Thought I'd get in some posting before the big Buffy S8 discussion starts up in two weeks....)

If Doublemeat Palace were a 1st season episode, Xander would have been the burger slinger, and the Doublemeat combo WOULD have been made out of people. Buffy would have slayed the restaurant manager (who would have been evil), and the gang would all return to SHS and look funny at the school cafeteria lunches.

If DP were a 2nd or 3rd season episode, Buffy would have been a one-episode-only employee, having been told by Joyce that she needs to take on a part-time job to help with expenses. Buffy would be all kinds of sad thinking about Angel and/or Angelus, and there would be much talk about growing up and learning to take responsibility. In this case, the restaurant manager would have been driven by the evil DMP corporate rep to pump up profits, as a disastrous spell forces him into a Sweeney Todd-type situation.

In S4, DP would have been a straight comedy; in S5, there would have been no difference from the aired episode. Depressing is depressing is depressing....

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