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Date Posted: 14:27:44 03/03/07 Sat
Author: Majin Gojira
Subject: Buffy and The Horror Film - Advice on upcoming essay

I'm currently working on an essay for "Television Aestetics" about Buffy's relationship to the horror film. I've been going through the seasons and specific episodes, and I just want to make sure I've covered everything.

The thesis is that Buffy draw heavily from the horror genre - both in normal terms and in inversions theiroff.

The basic outline is as follows:

Camera Control - This section deals with how the show uses camera techniques and tricks from the horror genre. This mostly deals with tight shots to exude claustrophobia. Homages to "Psycho", cheap 'surprise' scares, "Saving Private Ryan" knife sequence (tight shots, slow moving action to build tension) and the motto of "When in doubt, put Willow in danger"

Music - This basically focuses in on the heavy use of violins -- the quintessential and second oldest horror instrument in question, as well as the "Hush" debacle.

Another section deals with the inverstion of the inversion of the Cliche's of horror: Buffy faking tripping, the concept of Buffy herself, that sort of thing. With a mention of Postmodernism of the show (IE: Spike's taunting in "Surprise"). But Buffy also uses one of the most prevalent of Horror concepts/cliche's that has been around since the 70s: Incompotent and Evil authority figures.

Being the monster guy that I am, I must include a section on creature design and special effects. Detailing the lovecraftian-horror designs used, the reptilian monsters (and their psychological origins) as well as the use of Gore. Followed by a section on the "Proper Metaphore for the monsters" because all of the greatest horror icons generally tap into either a primal fear or are a reflection of the fears of the time (IE: Freddy and the early 80s (Cosmetics, Vietnam flashbacks, that sourt of thing).

Another section deals with how the characters react to it with a special section on madness enduced by the trauma experienced.

Next deals with how Buffy itself uses the "Greatest Horror is reflective of Society" mantra dealing with the evils done in the name of school sports, columbine, domestic abuse, Angelus the Ultimate Stalker and other things.

Followed by a section dealing with the "Give the characters (and the audience) what they want in the worst way possible" mantra, which closly ties into the numerous times the characters have to face their greatest fears (sometimes repeadely, and rarly in terms of overcoming it).

That's what I've got so far. Any other section that I should cover? Any specific example you think I should cover?

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