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Date Posted: 19:21:07 04/03/07 Tue
Author: Michael
Subject: Buffy 8.1 Spoilers

Ok, last guess(es). Sorry for ramble-on-rants, but this is really the "first" time for me. Unlike the vast (apparently vast) Buffyversers, I am a child of the DVD's. OK, FX at the beginning.

Amy's (or Amy's mother Katherine) "boyfriend", we don't really know it is a boy-friend, right? After checking it was the army guys who labeled the hooded figure "boy". My guess it's Faith. Can't say how or why, but Faith is coming in arc soon to be (this a given). Faith's a weapon girl. And we know Joss loves gender games...

I'll take Faith anyway I can get her, er, anyway I can get it. (That's a Joss quote, btw).

Black coat descender: Andrew.

I wish/hope the "Adam" speculation to be true. Then Dawn's consternation can be envisioned to be worry that someone or something is attempting to unwind Dawn's history. If that happens, who might return? Glory. Joyce.

Buffy might not "choose" Dawn, if that means Mom might live again. Dawn wants Willow to contact Buffy of the other reality (the one that Dawn never appeared in). And Dawn's worried about this. Why the other Buffy might help, I don't know...

Multi-Parallel Dimensional Paradoxes. And I always thought temperol paradoxes were the worst...

"I hate Temporal Paradoxes. They give me such a headache, especially before I've had my morning coffee". - Capt. Kathryn Janeway

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