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Date Posted: 12:47:24 05/03/07 Thu
Author: Rich
Subject: 8.3 is out !!! Spoilers

1. I was right about Amy's boyfriend, but totally wrong about red t-shirt dream guy. Did anybody call this one right ?

2. Renee made it. (Yay !)

3. A giant sized sister can be useful to have around.

4. Buffy has interesting dreams. It looks like she's still conflicted about her love life.

5. We have another mysterious symbol to decipher - this one is inside Buffy's head, & even she can't figure it out.

6. Buffy isn't the only Slayer to be resurrected.

7. If Andrew isn't gay, then he's having a private joke at Xander's expense.

8. We don't know who loves Buffy, but apparantly they've been eating cinnamon buns.

9. We still don't know what the general is up to, but Giles is on the case; although he doesn't know it yet.

10. On the letters page, there's a mention of possibly extending this series to 40 or 50 issues. This makes sense, if the run is intended to be equivalent to a single season of the TV show. The action of a single page in the comic, if filmed, would generally take roughly a minute or less on a screen (in some cases a lot less). Each issue is therefore approximately equal to 15 or 20 minutes of the show - 20 issues is great, but not enough to do a full season.

On the plus side, an artist can portray things that would be impossible on the screen without massive special effects budgets, like the Spiderman or Harry Potter franchises. It's a tradeoff - the action is more compressed, but it's also more spectacular. Another advantage to the medium is that comics permit soliloquies (or thought balloons, which are equivalent), which let us into the character's heads.

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