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Date Posted: 14:30:41 07/01/07 Sun
Author: Celebaelin
Subject: More spoilery subtext exploration from QI
In reply to: Celebaelin 's message, "Spoilery subtext exploration" on 13:54:28 07/01/07 Sun

The Master in these episodes was after the 13th regeneration. In "The Sound of Drums" it was stated that he was revived by the Time Lords to fight in the time war against the Daleks.

Celebaelin wrote:
Nearly done with The Lucy Master now but a question springs unbidden into my mind, will the new form taken by The Master be able to regenerate. Assuming it’s not his thirteenth regeneration yet would he have that power in a human body? If not this Master comes somewhere between Delgado and Roberts.

The above edited 'cos I hate seeing what gibberish I write.

He did say that didn't he? Rats!

In that case the burning question becomes 'How can he regenerate?' The question about whether he can regenerate in Lucy's body (if that's where he is, and it seems likely that it is so) still stands, only more so!

We have of course in all likelihood returned to the Master's status quo albeit that we may get a Mistress now!

The idea that Lucy was a copy of the Master is over analysing things. Even if we accept that the Master planned his death and resurrection it is already known that he has the power of hypnotising people so all he needed to do was plant a suggestion in Lucy's mind to carry out the particular sequence of actions.

True but there's a fair bit of evidence to imply that he did more than that. I forget the exact circumstances under which The Master has hijacked peoples' bodies before but I'm fairly sure he needed time to accomplish it and seclusion so that he would not be observed.

I think it was said he was "resurrected" by the otehr Time Lords in order to fight in the war. So perhaps he was fully resurrected, ie new body with the full twelve regenerations (and therefore thirteen lives)...

I don't think it said that specifically but in any case the question still stands regarding his (probably) borrowed body.

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