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Date Posted: 22:55:55 08/08/07 Wed
Author: OnM
Subject: Re: Buffy S8 #5 - "The Chain" (*** SPOILERS ***)
In reply to: Rich 's message, "Re: Buffy S8 #5 - "The Chain" (Spoilers)" on 17:27:59 07/28/07 Sat

As to the bit about a "rookie Slayer being sent on a solo mission", normally I'd agree, but I think that this young woman wasn't a rookie by the time she was sent on the mission. There is a great-- and I do mean great-- deal of time compression in this story.

If I interpret things correctly, was Joss has done (among other things) is make an momage to that classic story of the condemned soldier who is going to be hanged, and fantasizes or hallucinates an entire escape during the time between when the trap drops and his neck snaps.

Everything you read in the green word balloons-- the voice of the "decoy" Buffy-- takes place in a matter of seconds as she lays dying. This also explains the apparent non-linearity of the story as it unfolds.

There's also a second homage, I suspect, to Kurt Vonnegut and Slaughterhouse Five, where the protagonist moves back and forth in time.

I'd like to write some more about this story later on, but the short review is that I thought it was freakin' fantastic. It's one of the most powerful and moving things Joss has ever written in such a short span of words.

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