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Date Posted: 19:22:39 07/25/06 Tue
Author: Jane
Subject: Re: Joss Whedon: Woman Hater?
In reply to: manwitch 's message, "Re: Joss Whedon: Woman Hater?" on 14:52:50 07/25/06 Tue

Buffy is a single work, not 144 separate ones. Its about its protagonist, and her development
I agree. It's one long arc, with all of the characters playing their parts to move the story along in order for the protagonist (Buffy) to grow in the direction the author (Joss) has envisioned. One of the strongest themes I've seen in Buffy is that of Choice...as you say, Anya chose to become mortal again; Buffy chose to embrace her destiny as Slayer. These choices may not have been taken easily and without complaint, but in the end Anya chose to stand with the mortals, and accept the possiblity of death.
Death is part of living, and learning to deal with the death of loved ones is part of growing up. Joyce's death was tragic, but she didn't die because Joss hated women...it was to further the story, to get Buffy to a place she needed to be in the story. IMO, Joyce was a very strong woman, who dealt with single parenthood, raising two decidedly not normal type daughters, and who failed on occasion to do the right thing. I never got that Joss hated strong women from any of his scripts...and I would agree that what counts is what we see on screen, not what we think is in the writer's head.

Hey, it's great to see a long discussion thread here again!

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