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Date Posted: 15:44:22 10/11/06 Wed
Author: Rufus
Subject: Battlestar Galactica season three premiere ...and an article spoilers of course

The Chicago Tribune had an article on http://featuresblogs.chicagotribune.com/entertainment_tv/2006/09/battlestar_and_.html">Battlestar Galactica

The makers of �Battlestar Galactica� have never shied away from taking the program into dark terrain, and the first two hours of Season 3 may be the show�s darkest moment yet. As the season begins (and I�ll have a more full review when it debuts Oct. 6 on Sci Fi), residents of New Caprica are being tortured, ripped from their makeshift homes in the middle of the night, held in dire prisons, and resorting to sabotage and other desperate acts of resistance. I won�t say what the final sequence of the first two hours was, but suffice to say, it was nausea inducing.

Why was it so hard to watch, yet so compelling? Two reasons, I think: Over the course of the previous seasons, we�ve come to know the characters that inhabit the �Battlestar� universe. And the more real and identifiable they become as human beings, even flawed human beings, the more affecting it is when they�re terrorized and put through awful situations.

The second reason we can�t look away is because �Battlestar� so honestly depicts real events. Every single thing that we see on �Battlestar�s� Season 3 opener occurs on a daily basis right now, or has occurred within the lifetime of our parents and grandparents. A child screaming as its parent is taken away in the night by the authorities is always going to be heart-wrenching, no matter the setting, no matter the decade. And when the person being taken away seems like your friend or neighbor, you can't not watch.

The images we see as the season begins, and I suspect this is deliberate on the part of the show�s creators, evoke not only a variety of current situations in the Middle East but also occupied France during World War 2. We�re seeing not just the nightly news come to life on New Caprica, but grainy, powerful images from history books. Seeing our past and present depicted so powerfully makes it hard to look away.

Battlestar Galactica opened strong with the 2 hour premiere in which we see the Occupied New Caprica. I could say that the whole darn thing was started by humans who didn't treat the Cylons well leading to the evoluion of a being to being almost the same darn thing they insist their god is going to fix. There is no difference to me in the suicide bombers of season three and any incident where Cylons died to win any advances to the present date. Cylons are truly becoming their creators children.

Things of note. Tigh is down one eye, and his comparrison of said plucked out 'boiled egg' has put me off the snack forever.

Baltar is a toy and can't get respect from Cylon or Human. Only Six seems to love him in a way that no one can explain proving love is blind, deaf, and like looking at the face of god madness...;)

Great thought of the Cylons, they have a caste system based upon models. They won't make the same mistake that humans did they've limited the programing on the earlier models so much that the poor toasters can't tell the difference between the assorted humanoid models.

Adama is clearly disgusted by Lee's soft (it's a fat suit folks) ways. He also can't leave the rest of his race behind like he did in season one. He has shown that trust is based on the hope that the one you trust will live up to your desired outcome. He puts Sharon back into the fight...so will the sofa in her cell stay?

Leoben and Starbuck. Killing him 5 times didn't work cause he's a patient man. So, did they save Starbuck's ovary and make a little Leoben/Starbuck hybrid, or is he fibbing. Right now that doesn't matter as they were smart to make a girl and work on all of Starbuck's mommy issues. So, only a fall downed the neglected Casey, not the breaking of her fingers like Starbuck suffered years ago. Leoben is either mad or he has seen a glimpse of the future. He feels like he is the Spiritual one. So, why are Leoben and to a lesser extent Simon (from The Farm) so fixated on Starbuck?

Don't count on the resistance remaining planet bound for long as Adama will get what people he can back on the Galactica. Then we get to see if Tyrol will be knot making any time soon.

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