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Date Posted: 10:04:08 03/22/06 Wed
Author: Sunshine
Subject: Re: Darla
In reply to: Ames 's message, "Re: Darla" on 07:07:12 03/22/06 Wed

It seems that when a human gets vamped, their soul is sent to the ether but it still remains their soul. No random soul will do. It is not like they can just drive down to Walmat and get any old soul (okay, bad example cause everyone knows Walmart is soulless so maybe try Souls Are Us or Metaphysical Wharehouse). However, what happens to the vampire’s soul when they are staked and are no longer undead? Does it still remain in the ether or is it released for recycling? Both Angel and Spike’s situation were completely different from Darla and thus the rules for re-souling are also completely different. Maybe Darla received some off the shelve generic soul although Angel seemed to believe that Darla’s soul would make her regret the 400 years of mayhem so he believed that it was at least connected to her previous persona. Not that Darla’s soul was hitting on all cylinders anyway – she had no problem with having her “husband” killed in Dear Boy and when Angel claimed that she was going to feel it (because he was sure that she now had a soul) she replied “Please! He was an actor”. Not exactly a poster child for soulfulness. But then Hitler and Stalin and Pol Pot all had souls so in terms of utility, a soul is kinda like an appendix.

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