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Date Posted: 16:20:49 05/03/06 Wed
Author: frisby
Subject: The Origin of the Vampire and the Werewolf

The key to understanding the evolution of humanity today lies the crisis that emerged when the female of our species stood erect (causing problems with pregnancy) and when the embryos of our species started developing larger brains (causing problems with pregnancy -- being born too early at 9 months instead of the full 18 or so months) and when the female started losing so much blood she regularly needed iron in the form of red meat (causing the male of our species to become a better hunter through a larger brain). Altogether, these caused a crisis. The female resolved the crisis to some part through realizing her menstrual cycle coincided with the moon's cycle and that the male played a part in pregnancy. This new knowledge led to a new form of social organization wherein (over time) all the females of the tribe ovulated during the full moon, causing the greater part of the males of our species to become as if werewolves, with regard to lust and pursuing the females, leaving the smaller part of the males to pursue sex with the females two weeks later during the new moon when they began their bleeding -- thus the origin of the vampire.

(taken, with liberties, from Schlain's book _Sex Power and Time_) (the next great step follows the males acquisition of knowledge of paternity)

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