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Date Posted: 17:20:37 06/01/06 Thu
Author: Celebaelin
Subject: High Plains Drifter and Serenity - Spoilers!

I saw HPD again the other night and there's something nudging at the back of my mind that says this may have been a significant influence on the writing of Serenity. Apart from the obvious general Western influences and parallels I find it quite difficult to nail down as certain rather than different expressions of a revenge driven plotline but there are some points which make me suspicious anyway.


1. Three baddies are sent to jail for a crime the whole town is guilty of - is this a reaver mirror?

2. The Stranger is the ghost of the Marshall killed for opposing the power in the town - Mal and the Browncoats?

3. The Stranger doesn't give hoot he just wants what he wants, revenge - Mal again.

4. The baddies kill people without provokation during their return journey - reavers again.

5. The Stranger has the townsfolk cover every building in red paint before the baddies ride in again - disguising Serenity as a reaver ship? I mean, red paint, why? He also writes 'Hell' over the town name (Lago - if only it'd been Prospero).

6. The Stranger wrecks the place and then disappears - the undermining of the authorities by broadcasting the message from Miranda and Serenity's subsequent escape.

Do you think there's something to this or is it all just a bit of coincidence?

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