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Date Posted: 21:07:06 08/05/06 Sat
Author: Michael
Subject: Re: Update on Angel Season 6 episode 17
In reply to: Masq 's message, "Update on Angel Season 6 episode 17" on 13:49:54 07/20/06 Thu

I am anxiously waiting!!!

That scene in the last script, with Conner & Spike in the car was the best. I felt like it was really a part of some Angel show I've seen (on DVD, I never saw Buffy or Angel as aired...

A missing last line (maybe) from that scene: Spike should have added something like: "Hey could you remember, at the right time, to call me 'Uncle Spike', in Angel's presence?"

When Conner does so, Angel gets muy petty. "He's not your Uncle!" (then he's thinking, "...in a way, your his Uncle"). Meanwhile, Spike's arguing "I'm a mentor type for him. He's still kid. I'm the Uncle, you twit. Do I have to beat you with a cross again?"

It's not bleeding right. Can't something be made on the Internet in Prague or Kuala Lampur or something? Intelletual Property. Bah!

I don't even really know the story behing the Kuzai's... Other than I've "heard" Joss blames them (Fran the Mrs) for messing up the movie. Behind that, I assume Joss was originally the Writer and Director (a younger Joss), and got into a fight with Mr or Mrs K, and got himself fired?

Another hint: the essay in "Five Years of Angel", the Angel By the Numbers article by the Light/Lamp guy. (About two mysterious Exec Producers on every Buffy and Angel episode who made and still makes huge money for doing nothing). Names available upon request.

Quote Snyder: "I think its time to give something back, Miss Rosenburg, er, Fran".

I have the Buffy movie DVD. I know I've seen the movie long ago, and it ended with Buffy/Krisen setting the Gym on fire. But the Btvs Movie DVD I have dosen't end that way.

Did notice the cheer done in the movie ("How loose is your goose? ...and shake your Caboose" is in a movie that Eliza Dushku makes where she's a cheerleader. Not the Biker Cheerleader one, The same cheer: I bet Eliza and Joss subtly engineered that in there to get the "Kuz's" goats. Good guess? Yep, Lots of Goats, Guys. Goats. Many...

Would love to help develop any story, if possible.

I do own the story and movie rights to "Angel & Illyria: The Wrath of Mom Burkle". Hint: Spike ends up in Texas, behind Trish & Roger, making the same faces at Angel that he did with Joyce Summers...


p.s. I have many such ideas (stories in head, etc), I guess we all do... What to do?

p.s.s. Here's one (a new one). We need a real Hero/Slayer solution to the Middle East religious wars, eh? To quote the Bene Gesserit witches lore in Frank Herbert's Dune: "When politics and religion are mixed together, the Whirlwind must surely follow".

We (earth's humanity) need a true long-range planner (Leto Attredies II, God Emperor of Dune). If we don't scatter soon, its a toss up to which will quicker: We slaugher each other completly or The Earth gets tired of us Ice Ages out of Fresh Water, say for two or three centuraries...


p.s.s. Another idea. The Dragon in the Angel Finale. WHo said that Dragon was Evil? (Came from some dimension in Buffy 100th episode 5.22 "The Gift"). The could have been "Puff the Magic Dragon" sucessfully finding his way back to Earth, and he helps Angel, etc, defeat the Wolfram & Hart's Senior Partners Demon onslaught. Puff then elimates all Magic from the Earth (for 200 years, until the time of Fray)...

What do ya think?

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