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Date Posted: 21:07:12 09/18/06 Mon
Author: Regnier04
Subject: Re: Joss Whedon to takes another comic under his wing: Brian K. Vaughans "Runaways"
In reply to: Majin Gojira 's message, "Joss Whedon to takes another comic under his wing: Brian K. Vaughans "Runaways"" on 07:13:09 09/13/06 Wed

Not to be negative and I love Joss' stories but it seems like everytime we get a big name on a comic they end up being bimonthly or drug out or the writers and or artists are allowed to take their time or have a break so the writer can get a few issues in the bag. Whedon can't even put out Astonishing on a monthly schedule without having skip months and story arc monthley breaks to get a few in the can. I just question the idea of him doing 3 books simultaneously when he has problems with just one. I'm fine with him doing Buffy and Serenity. There his babies if the story starts and doesn't pick up in a timely manner and loses readers then its his chaaracters hes doing wrong, but Runaways isn't his characters and their fan following isn't big enough to sustain gaps and skipweeks like X-men can. To me it's good and bad. I love his writing. I love his stories, but I think it bodes ill for Runaways and since its one of the only comics I was able to get my wife into I'm worried. I hope he proves me wrong. God I hope he does. In a perfect world he would become the next Bendis but superstar writers and artists tend to get distracted easily in this day and age because they feel like their name sells the books not the characters and I don't like that. I would rather have unknowns than have to deal with constant delays and wondering if a story is ever gonna finish. As it stands I have to go back and read the previos Astonishing every month to remind myself what happened two months ago because of the bimonthly schedule. I just remember when monthly comics were the norm not the exception. Ahh the pre-Image days were nice weren't they. Anyway just throwing my two cents in. I just wanted to say that while I'm excited and hopeful with this news, I'm also leery and afraid for what the future has in store for my favorite teen heroes now.

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