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Subject: >< Fly High ><

Quack the Duck
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Date Posted: 19:34:24 02/23/03 Sun
In reply to: Everest 's message, "«»Grateful«»" on 16:53:13 02/23/03 Sun

((Sorry... for some reason I couldn't get on yesterday.))

>< After being rudely spat out by the panther he rolls head over heals, lands on his back and his feet thump on the ground. He stands up and puts his wings on his hip as if to say "How RUDE!" He brushes the disgusting saliva off of him. By the end of the trip it was running down his back and was all over him. He watches Ferdie walk over to him and he doesn't look friendly, so Quack squats down and puts his wings over his head and cringes. He sees those big jaws open and POP out comes a feather. This feather just so happens to be he FAVORITE feather. With a look of shock he looks behind himself so see the missing feather and says "QUACK!". He rubs his buttocks where the feather was removed and sits down with a thump in dismay. He then rolls his eyes (although you can't see him do it, because they are all black) as he is picked up again and sighs as he is carried off... again. ><

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