Subject: - Potiki - |
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Date Posted: 14:57:48 07/09/03 Wed
In reply to:
Destiny, Bel, Torbin
's message, "- Trio -" on 04:24:51 07/08/03 Tue
Wait, wait, mother said they'd want to know why!
She bounces forward and nods several times.
I wanna be able to make sparks because they're pretty and when it's dark I can make little lights everywhere and if I get lost I can send all sparks up and they'll be able to find me, and I won't make sparks near like dry grass or anything, I'm not stuupid.
And Torbin could stop fire anyway because Dest says he could make a little box over it and it would go out or something, I forget, anyway that is if you let us have our powers, can you please let Torbin make boxes too, we'll use them to make jumps and make any nasty people trip over and we could stand on a big box to get apples from our apple tree. They're real sour but they taste nice.
She nods again, then looks over at Destiny.
Destiny wants to make flour, I think its some human stuff, our human friend showed it to us, its all white and it puffs everywhere and you can eat it too but it goes funny in your mouth. We could ambush people and go POOF and they'd be all white, it'd be funny and if she got real hungrey she could eat it but Tor and me wouldn't cos our mums feed us. And we could play with it, it'd be real cool.
So pleeease can you let us because we get real bored and we wanna be all grown up and have powers and Unc Vulc can teach us and stuff he won't let us be naughty.
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