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Subject: not even close, and no cigar

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Date Posted: 15:47:39 12/16/03 Tue
In reply to: Jimmy 's message, "Christian Band" on 12:54:48 12/14/03 Sun

In response to y don't I start my own band...I'll tell you y...because I have no talent! I won't lie. I myself have absolutely no musical ability whatsoever.
Yes, I'm familiar with Didley. I've seen you guys. The thing is with you guys, you don't pretend to be something that you are not. You are not a christian band, nor do you claim to be. you'll get up in front of the crowd, take the mic, and let the lang. fly.
The way I see it if you are a Christian band and you can't make it into the industry doing it God's way, then you don't need to be there. If God can move mountains and perform miracles he will have no trouble getting a bands foot in the door. You need to stay true the whole way through. If God wants someone to make it big they will, but if they are serving him they have to play by his rules.
yeah sure Relient K plays covers. I've been to their concerts. I've heard them. The thing is they don't play covers that project negative messages (ex. I try so hard, I get so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter). (with an exception of the Creation '03 Eminem cover. i was definitly not happy about that!)
According to your rationale I could start a Christian band and play Marilyn Manson, Ozzy, or Nelly . As long as it helps to get me in big...
To be fair, HP is not playing any in those categories. Linkin Park and Finch are far from that. But how many people in the recording industry do you think will be impressed with hearing linkin or finch? they seen it, they have heard it, they signed it. no one wants or will be impressed by a copy cat wannabe.
But on the small hometown scale...the problem still lies in the fact that you need to be what you say you are. People are watching and taking note. if you are in the "public eye" and are trying to represent soemthing much bigger you need to be more cautious. Practice what you preach. play what you believe and believe in what you play.

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