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Subject: To Clear Things Up

High Pressure
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Date Posted: 23:20:40 12/24/03 Wed

alright now everyone chill out it's all good... No Worries. listen, We High Pressure, we play Christian songs... and we play GOOD Moral songs... we put it in Gods hands also... if he wants us to make it big and play to millions of people he will, if he wants us to play to hundreds or even just tens we will. we are doing this for God and he will lead our way... we don't play anything that would be taken offence purposely... if you take offence, we are sorry... to Christian Girl sorry for offending you... We play Linkin Park "in the end" because it has a meaning to me, Jake, and i EXPLAIN what it means to me when we played it... it has been since early summer since we have performed it anyways because we don't play many covers any more. "In The End" to me meant, and i explained at shows if you PAYED any attention, that if you live life WITHOUT God, that you can try so hard and get so far... but in the end it wouldn't matter... because WITHOUT God you can go no where, with God, you can go anywhere. Finch - "Ender" it is a Break Up song with a girl... and i'm really sorry if we CHRISTIANS are not allowed to fall in and out of love with Girls and Guys, we do have those emotions too... we ARE allowed to write LOVE songs... and if you actually listen to our love songs they may not mention God but before each song i explain that it is CHRISTIAN... "You Never Know" Talks about meeting that person you are going to marry, "you never know it might be you." is the chorus... meaning you don't know who you will marry GOD Has that person picked out for you!!! so We, High Pressure, are truely sorry to Offend you Christian Girl... But please if you wanna Judge us next time and are NOT Sure what we are doing email us before making it a public thing... xhighpressurex@yahoo.com IN JESUS NAME AMEN!!!

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Subject Author Date
Apologies and Explainationsc-girl16:37:09 01/28/04 Wed
we know who you areHigh Pressure20:14:56 02/02/04 Mon
Nancycgirl13:42:57 02/09/04 Mon
Clear things up againthe band16:21:00 02/10/04 Tue

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