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Subject: [| butterfly kisses |]

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Date Posted: 23:19:31 07/08/04 Thu
In reply to: + Luke 's message, "+ Faith" on 22:43:53 07/08/04 Thu

Carefully taking note of the whereabouts of all the kitchen tools and cutlery, she silently asks herself why she can’t be that organized with her stuff. Whenever someone came over to her place, her instructions were something along the lines of “If you need it, find it yourself” and that was generally because she often had to rummage around in the drawers and cabinets to locate the things she needed just like the guests to her house. Oh, Lori wasn’t completely unorganized though, since when it came to horses, she kept to her schedules to a tee and knew exactly where she kept her tack and memorized every minute detail about her horses. Did she have her priorities in a jumble? She didn’t think so.

“Got it.”

At a complete loss of what to do with the potatoes, she stands in the middle of the kitchen just nibbling on her lower lip as she thinks of all the possibilities, or at least the ones she knew how to do. Finally, she goes for the technique she knew best. Roast the silly things. She moves over to the ‘west cabinets’ then searches above the pots and pans to search for a knife. Did Luke consider that silverware? Whether he did or not she found it, but just in case it wasn’t meant to be there, she wouldn’t specify where she’d located it. After preheating the oven for a few minutes, she places the potatoes into the sizzling inferno. That done, she pokes around in the fridge before taking out some cheese and butter, the cheese which she grated into thin pieces and the butter she just left on the counter for now. Once the potatoes were nice and brown, she took them out, wrapped them in foil, cut each one in half, stuffed some cheese and butter into the middle, then scrunched the openings of the foil shut so the heat would make the added ingredients melt.

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+ Faith+ Luke21:14:04 07/09/04 Fri

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