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Subject: [| butterfly kisses |]

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Date Posted: 20:53:32 07/10/04 Sat
In reply to: //Leila 's message, "//The Night" on 20:47:10 07/10/04 Sat

{argh! I keep not closing my tags!!!}

"Not at all. I have a tendency to lose things so that might be for the best." she replies with a rueful grin befor turning her attention to the filly. Standing on her left side, Lori gives a single cluck and begins to gently guide Leila around so she was facing the barn entrance again, mindful of any buckets or other obstacles that might get in her way. First, the filly would be allowed to work out any knots she may have acquired whilst being transported over to the marketplace then having been stuck in that stall. After that, Lori would try her with the lungeline, and if Leila worked well, then the bit and saddle would be introduced, but slowly and gently. No dumping the saddle on her back with clumsy movements, and definitely no clanging of metal against teeth.

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//The Knight//Leila21:10:37 07/10/04 Sat

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