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Subject: [ havoc becoming ]

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Date Posted: 17:05:13 07/19/04 Mon
In reply to: Aurora 's message, "Looking for Alec" on 19:12:49 07/14/04 Wed

Struggling under the weight of the cold that had been wreaking havoc on his system for the last week, Alec walked slowly toward his remaining mare's paddock, attracted by her inscesent calling and rambunctious behaviour. Still bearly able to talk, he called her too him by tapping the metal gate with the metal of the lead clip. Smiling at her, he took in her fine lines and beautiful movement. It was quite obvious that his strict dieting had worked wonders on the mare; she was slimmer and her muscled looked healthier and mare defined. Glad that the young mare was responding so readily to his administrations, he was confident that he could start her training in a month or so. That of course was dependent on whether or not the mare went into heat and if he could find a suitable stud to service her.

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Happy Your HomeAurora05:55:54 07/20/04 Tue

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