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Date Posted: 11:00:05 08/01/04 Sun
(Sorry i've been away for so long guys. I've been working none stop to get my friends horse ready for her to show next weekend. But i'll be on steadily for the next week, so no worries. :D)

The saddles gleamed healthily in the early morning light, the well-polished leather glowing a cheerful dark brown. Set infront of two of the cleanest stalls in the barn the tack was quickly recognisable as some of the finest quality available this side of the continent. Of english design, both saddles were coupled with mildly-bitted bridles and elastic girths. A gold embroidered saddlepad was placed under each, the green and gold complimenting eachother wonderfully as the official colours of Madras. The saddles had been brought into the desert on Alec's special order, and would no doubt fit both mares comfortable. If not, there was an assortment of breastplates and padds that could be used to fit them.
The man smiled at the elegant display, priding himself on the effort he had gone to make his mare the fanciest in the tribe. With Luke gone on a short trip to oversee the transportation of some precious building materials, Alec felt alone in the tribe; having only himself and Jakki for human company. Lately, during his latest bout of fever, Alec had spent alot of time planning for his mares' careers. Hopefully both would be racers, but he planned to school both in dressage; something that would give him more control over their movements when racing.
A gentle person, he decided against the idea of 'crop training', a method used in England. The whips usually didn't hurt the horse but the pricipal of hitting a horse to make it pay attention was something Alec could just not stomach. Instead, he had found some of the most modern and comfortable accessories to help in his training of the two mares. Thick gel pads rested on the saddles, and the fleece lining the stately padds was the softest he could find. The bits he had chosen for each mare were simple full-cheek, frenchlink snaffels of fine quality. Both were adorned with either copper rollers (for Trail Blazer), and Keys (for Aurora). These would help to make the mare salivate; making the bit easier on their mouths and them more responsive to it's directions. The bridles were of a soft leather, with both noseband and cheek pieces padded with a soft fleece, not unlike the saddlepads. One the mare's were 'bit broken', he planned to adjuest the bits for each mare's personalities, and he had four green and gold tassels set aside to adourn the mares on race day.
But to train a horse, he needed their presence, and for the past two weeks of his illness thee two mares had been out in their paddocks. Now he called to them, both halters hanging from a cocked elbow. His sharp whistle drifted lazily over the grass covered paddocks as he stood patiently at the gait. Not long ago he had asked the grooms to put the mares together, hoping that they would get accustomed to eachother and therefore make it easier to train them together. Waiting with the leather halters in hand, he gazed apreciativly at the two elegant forms of his mares.
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