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Subject: Amour

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Date Posted: 22:30:22 08/11/04 Wed

Dark colored eyes scan over the small town of Madras from an aerial view high in the sky. The pilot passes over the village only once before setting the plane down some distance away from the area.
A hand extends to push the passenger side door open as the figure steps from the plane, the soft sound of a foot hitting sand is completely lost in the roar of the engine. For a brief few moments her feet are all that's visible as she yells something over the loud noise to the pilot before stepping away and watching as he takes off again.
Her clothes upon this arrival are far from designer name gowns and more of a style that would suit this sort of trip. She had grown out of dragging Gucci, Prada, and Dior to the desert, it was never a good idea and she hadn't a clue what had possessed her to bring it so many years ago, though she also hadn't clue what possessed her to come stop in Madras this day. But that she would eventually find out.
Moving off from where the plane had landed she makes her way to the streets, her eyes scanning over the area and noting how different it had grown over the years.

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