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Subject: Jandebeur

Daniel Steven Jandebeur
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Date Posted: 18:33:56 03/31/05 Thu

I am happy that I found this website. My wife and two daughters are from Sparks, Nevada. We are the last of the Jandebeurs in Nevada and we own a copy of the genelogy book mentioned above. My grandfather is Daniel Franklin Jandebeur. If you have any info or would like to contact me please do. I was pleasently surprised that this website exist. It would be great to hear from someone soon.

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[> Subject: Re: Jandebeur

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Date Posted: 09:37:04 04/02/05 Sat

I am the Gr- Granddaughter of Christain Jeandebeure{Jandebeur]. The name was changed,probably when he came to the US. I have just received info on the book from a friend and she seems to think the Christian mentioned is my Gr- Grandfather. He also served in the civil war. He lived in New York. The name years later became [Schondebare].
The birth date for the Christian in the book is about the same as my Christian,as I know he got married at age 30 1/2 in 1859
I e-mailed the Laura Jandebeur. It was her Gr- Uncle that wrote the book. She hasn't gotten back to me.
Do you know what Library would have the book? I have ordered the Microfilm from the FHC to look at, but would rather read the book form.
Thank you for any info you could give me.

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[> Subject: Re: Jandebeur

D.B. (Doug) Jandebeur
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Date Posted: 17:50:41 04/29/05 Fri

>I am happy that I found this website. My wife and two
>daughters are from Sparks, Nevada. We are the last of
>the Jandebeurs in Nevada and we own a copy of the
>genelogy book mentioned above. My grandfather is
>Daniel Franklin Jandebeur. If you have any info or
>would like to contact me please do. I was pleasently
>surprised that this website exist. It would be great
>to hear from someone soon.

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[> Subject: Re: Jandebeur

D.B. (Doug) Jandebeur
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Date Posted: 18:51:47 04/29/05 Fri

Dan I don't look at the site often enough, but saw your note today. My Grandfathers name was Danial A.. His father was Michael J.. Danial A. had five sons and one daughter only four sons survived they were Frank, Clarnce, Louis and Bob. Bob was my father.
I am 74 and have three sons Bobert, Alan, and James. Robert has three sons, Rodny Ryan and Noah. Ryan and wife Katty have twin three year old boys. Alan has one daughter April and son Adam (killed by drunk driver). James has a boy Taylor and girl Charlotte. That's the clan, all here in Tulsa. We left the farm in North Platte Nebr. in the winter of 59 and moved here. Twenty five years in Motorcycle business, then twenty year in Aviation. We now build and rent Comercial properties in Tulsa and do housing developement on the farm in North Platte which we still have.

Good to hear from you

Doug Jandebeur

>I am happy that I found this website. My wife and two
>daughters are from Sparks, Nevada. We are the last of
>the Jandebeurs in Nevada and we own a copy of the
>genelogy book mentioned above. My grandfather is
>Daniel Franklin Jandebeur. If you have any info or
>would like to contact me please do. I was pleasently
>surprised that this website exist. It would be great
>to hear from someone soon.

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[> Subject: Re: Jandebeur

Donna Jandebeur
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Date Posted: 16:15:18 05/09/05 Mon

>I am happy that I found this website. My wife and two
>daughters are from Sparks, Nevada. We are the last of
>the Jandebeurs in Nevada and we own a copy of the
>genelogy book mentioned above. My grandfather is
>Daniel Franklin Jandebeur. If you have any info or
>would like to contact me please do. I was pleasently
>surprised that this website exist. It would be great
>to hear from someone soon.

Hello Doug,

My name is Donna Jandebeur. My father was Donald Leon Jandebeur and my grandfather was Harry A. Jandebeur. His and my grandmothers picture is in the book. My uncle Harold is the author of the book. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, with my husband and 3 children. I also have a sister, Gloria, that lives here too. In fact, Laura Jandebeur is my neice, as her posting is below. Feel free to contact me anytime, as my email address is included.

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