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Subject: ^%^Certian Responsbilities^%^

Certian & Americus
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Date Posted: 13:03:35 04/24/03 Thu
In reply to: Enchanted Melody 's message, "~:~Enchant Your Heart~:~" on 09:35:27 04/24/03 Thu

Americus grins up at her mother, and clucks soflty to Melody. Certian speaks softly to her daughter, You wait by the mounting block, i've got to call Shadow Faux. Americus nods, and turns her attention to Melody, playing quietly with the mare's forelock.

Minutes later, Certian returns, at her side was a sleet gray stallion of impressive conformation. Nothing adorned his head nor back, all save Certian's gentleing hand. Certian nods slighlty to Americus and steps over to her to help her mount up on Melody, though little help was actually needed.

Certian returns to Shadow Faux's side, and lept easily upon his back. guiding him with her legs and knees, she turns him around, then looks over her shoulder at Americus. Ready? Americus nods,and gathers up her riens, her hands surpringly soft for a 4 year old. She bumps her heels lighlty against Melody's side, asking for a walk.

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SlowEnchanted Melody00:00:50 04/25/03 Fri

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