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Subject: Attempts at state coup is going on in USA, Canada and Western Europe and these are coordinated

Knuit Holt
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Date Posted: 10:35:34 04/09/17 Sun

A State Coup Going On in USA and The Allies of USA

A long term project destined to culminate in a coup of state seems to be going on in USA and allied countries, of which symptoms were especially clear during the presidential election campain and after.

Many syptoms tell there is a sytematically coordinated program going on in USA and internationally, with a state coup as the final goal.

The coup sems to have as goal a kind of international government with more or less clandestine leaders. The goal also seems to be societies where avarge individuals are deprived of freedom and prosperity, and where all the acts and whereabout of individuals are constantly surveiled, even the most intimate acts.

One important aspect of this goal seem to be to take all reponsibilities for children away from parents, and allow parents and children to have time and do things together only in limited, standardized and surveilled occations.

Those orchestrating the program seems to have infiltrated all political parties and political organizations, but in USA this infiltration seems to be strongest in the democratic party and in various human right organizations that in this way are led to support all kind of decisions that go counter to human rights.

This program began already before the presidential election campain of 2017 and it is still in progress. How far this will progress, remains to be seen. The coup makers oppose vividly all kind of political changes that threaten to break thir iniltration. Therefore they tried all they can to derail the presidential campain of Donald Trump and now his presidency.

This can be seen from symptoms of several coordinated manipulations of people and institutions. These manipulations has occured a long time, and are not specific for the presidential election in 2016, but the symptoms were especially clear during the election process and adter.

- The primary election campains were clearly manipulated against Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Party and against Donald Trump in the Republican Party, where the manipulations did not succeed.

- In the main elections all corporate mass media in USA and abroad unisonely publicated all kind of bad stuff one could find about Trump and ignored systematically such stuff about Hillary Clinton. They also unisonely publicated all kind of derogatory rumpors about Trump and unisonely characterized him as a little abled person suffering from mental disturbances, while ignoring such facts or rumors about Clinton.

- Hords of mentally agitated protesters are oragnized to march and riot against trump during the campains, and even more after he has been elected as president.

- Many of the protesters show a highly hysterical state of mind that only can be produced by long term influence in kindergarten, schools and other institutions for children or teens by psychological techniques.

- Polls were systematically manipulations to show that Clinton was leading, while the opposite was the fact.

- Experts of various kind, and especially psychiatrists, appeared in mass media to warn against Trump, depicting him as a dangerous narcissist, ignoring that the opposite camp show this kind of personality equally much.

- The political establishment went out in mass media to advocate sensorship against free expression of information and opinion, calling it something like "protection against fake news".

The coup seems to be orcastrated by a network of mafiosi connected to military industries, big pharma, child protective agencies, mighty multinational industries, security agencies, some of the mightiest multibillionaires and the traditional aristocracy in several countries, including that in islamic countries. The network is international, and what one sees in USA is only a part of a more extensive international coup project.

Many persons have seen these symptoms of a coup going on, and have pointed to interst of proffit by those oechestrating this program.

One of the interests is said to be child traficking, which seems probable. But this child traficking is not only for sexual abuse, but even more these children are used as organ source, and as guinea pigs in medical and mind controle experiments. There is a huge industry of child traficking for this purpose. The traficking is intimately integrated with corrupt Child protection agencies, medical companies, medical research organizations and luxury hospitals around the world.

It is also intergrated with the organ donation network that has a legal face, and which the propaganda has made people to believe is a good enterprice.

As already said, all of this is not a strict USA affair, but it extends to all countries USA have some alliance with. The coup in progress in USA is only a part of an international coup. The Clintons and Obama are probably not the top leaders in this coup. The multibillionaire George Soros is often mentioned as one of the main orchestrators, but it is more probable that also he is only a servant that however contributes with ample finacial aid.

After the loss against Donald Trump, the Clintons are not any longer seen as valuable assets for these mafiosi, and they are most probably destined to be dismissed with as cooperators.

Most of those participating in the coup program surely do not know hat they are lured to cooperate with, and are honest idealists. Since the coup makers tend to infiltrate any organized movement and any administration, it is also highly prpbable that they are already infiltrating the Trump administration, or that some of his staff already participate in the coup project, knowingly or without understanding it themselves. Enen Trump himself is in danger for being lured to take decisions in favour of the coup objective.

By Knut Holt
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