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Subject: United We Stand T-Shirts

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Date Posted: 14:23:37 10/03/01 Wed
Author Host/IP: c1693107-a.grapid1.mi.home.com/

September 11th 2001 changed America forever, but did it? Jaycee chapters all over the country are reaching out and organizing blood drives and other events to help out. This is what we do...we do whatever we can! Kentwood is selling "United We Stand" T-Shirts all over the Grand Rapids Area. We have a GREAT connection (Thanks to Bob Curley of DSB Screen Printing and Mike Marks Graphics) the total cost for shirts was kept down to $4 and we are selling them for $6. $2 of each shirt will go to the NY Survivers Fund and Survivers of the WTC. They are outstanding quality shirts and we want to make them available to all Jaycee's as well to show support for our great nation because United we stand really makes a statement! If you would like to buy a shirt they are available at D & W's in Kentwood (44th and Breton and 52nd and Eastern) Our GMM is Oct. 11th (Thurs) and we'll have them there. If you would like to make other arrangements please call me at 493-4900 or e-mail me at shayesmom@aol.com
Thanks Michigan Jaycees - Service to humanity is the BEST work of life!
Christine Schumaker
CO-CDVP 2001

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