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The House
The House
|A large 2 story manor stands at the nd of a long driveway. The drive way is surrounded by Maple trees. You drive up to the house and park in the grass off to the side. A couple walk out of the barn in the back ground.they spot you and walk over|Hello! I'm Kris and this is Krist..|He suddenly stops as 2 girls run out of the house|Mommmmmmmm Rosi won't leave me alone|The oldest yells|Not uh! She walked into my room with out asking Daddy,Mommy|The little one cries out.Kris and Kristian ask you to hold on a sec and tell the girls to go inside|I guess you met Arasin and Rosi.Any way if you are looking for a horse to buy go to the barn and look at the board. If you wan tot see our horses look at the back of the barn.We'll be inside making lunch if you need us...|Kristian says and they walk inside to make lunch|
We have rooms to rent out and if you want to have a trail ride,practice,or just have a picnic. check out the grounds

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