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Subject: Franchising is Fun and Costs Lots of Funds

rica0105 (marilyn@marilynconsults.com)
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Date Posted: 10:10:09 03/22/23 Wed
In reply to: jenn1126 's message, "You Could Buy a Mailing List from a Genuine Google Goof" on 09:26:16 12/16/22 Fri

Lose Money Fast

send it to franchise corporate office

Our franchise opportunists know that the cheapest and least effective way to advertise is to send unsolicited commercial e-mail. Join them, and irritate tens, hundreds, even thousands of people today.

Want to learn about franchising from an experienced pink promoter capable of sending out myriad spammy e-mails? Two maildrops mean less waiting, so ask marilyn@marilynconsults.com or marilyn@theFranchiseconsultingcompany.com (Marilyn Imparato) and you can find out everything you need to know. How to pay for a franchise, how to invest heavily to start up, how to purchase supplies from the franchisor. You can even learn about taking a percentage off the top of every dollar that comes in the register and passing it on to corporate!

There are alternatives. Whether you are new to franchising, or you just need to have your electronic mailbox filled with pink sludge, you may want to talk to Marty Greenbaum about Smart Franchise Investing. And now he also has two maildrops -- marty@greenbaumconsultco.com and marty@smartfranchiseinvesting.com so there is almost no waiting. Get in touch to learn about Greenbaum Consulting or Smart Franchise Investing, and have an electronic mailbox that stays filled with the sort of pink sludge that gives off the ripest of odors!

Better than ever! Now, with additional maildrops to assure fastest service, Marty has the enthusiasm to fill your mailbox with unsolicited commercial e-mail practically upon demand. Marty and the franchise investment pushers have heard your need for speed:

  1. marty@smartfranchiseinvesting.com
  2. mg@greenbaummarketing.com
  3. mg@thefranchiseconsultingcompany.com

Marty and Marilyn ares not the only ones pinkly promoting franchise frustration. For that personal touch, you might want to get in touch with stacy@franchisematchmakers.com or stacy@stacyconsult.com (Stacy Swift) and find out just how exciting it can be to send money to corporate!

And there would be little point to it if we could not mention some franchise opportunists, all of whom are happy to fill your electronic mailbox with pink promotions!
marilyn@marilynconsults.com mari0321 google, franchise, sucks, dream, spank, understanding
jeremy@ownroundtableco.com jere0212 round table pizza, franchise, pink pie, bakes, plug in, microsoft, fat brands, neat, the works, profit, fun
marty@greenbaumconsultco.com mart1228 franchise, consult, choose, in touch, full of, franchise, proudly pink, this, google, spank
todd@tdsinc.co todd1219 pink, look into, dog stop, future, franchise, microsoft, tickled, clean-out, hotfrog, dog service, get bit, pinkly, get bit, money, franchise
scott@gattispizzacorp.com scot0809 work, wall, spanking, franchise, cooks, microsoft, nothing, eat, franchise 1/3, franchise 2/3, franchise 3/3
stacy@stacyconsult.com stac0807 franchise
larry@rocketmatter.com larr1124 franchise, webinar, time, promotion
pat@woodysbarbqcorp.co pat0903 franchise, sucks
virginia@transbluecorp.co virg0503 franchise, pain

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Enjoy Drugs While Attending World Law Alliance Spammy Seminar mrle0715 (president@worldlawalliance.com)15:45:00 04/10/23 Mon

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