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Date Posted: Fri, May 18 2001, 11:57:41
Author: Morten
Subject: A taste of dimensional travelling...

Morten: First we'll get into the courtyard, we need to be outside!

*Once they're here, Morten takes his dimensional pendant and raises it lightly upwards*

Morten: Dimensional Pendant, open the gate! Grant me and my friends the passage to Sarmento!

*suddenly, a dimensional gate opens*

Morten: Let's go now... I will be the last one, because the gate closes as soon the pendant's owner enters it...

*After Marax, David and Samuel enter the gate*

Morten: Umm... I bet Emily would have liked to come with us... ::enters the gate::

*Then the gate closes*




Marax: Morten, is it you?

David: No, it's David!

Samuel: Where are we? Why is the place pitch dark?

Morten: Damn! This isn't the moment!

Marax: What's the matter?

Morten: A random distort in space-time continuum... now we're trapped in!

Others: WHAT???

David: Does that mean we're lost?

Morten: No, not exactly! But we must venture in and find the right path leading to Sarmento!

Marax: If we take the wrong one?

Morten: We could end in another place, even in space!

Samuel: Very encouraging... but could we have some light?

Marax: Just needed to ask!

*Marax casts a Light spell. as soon as they can see, they are stunned at that view*

David: Wow... that's a bit scary, but it's rather interesting!

(think of the background of Star Fox on SNES when you're in the Black Hole. It's sorta like that)

Narrator: Now, Morten and his friends will try to find the way to Sarmento in time-space continuum... will they succeed?

*Morten walks to the narrator, the scene freezes again*

Morten: hey, of course we will! We didn't made this damn story for nothing!

Narrator: ::turns bright red:: STOP DOING THAT! ::jumps up and down angrily::

Morten: Whoa! All right! But control your emotions, dammit!

*Morten gets back to its place and the scene restarts again*


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