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Date Posted: Fri, May 25 2001, 21:22:44
Author: ???
Subject: Time to reveal our mystery guest...

Man: David isn't high on drugs. He's a dead guy.

Morten: Huh?

Man: I can verify that or my name isn't...

(The man with the sword walks into the light.)

Joe: ...Joe Hockner.

Morten: How'd you get in here?!

Joe (grinning): I follow him home. Can he keep me?

Morten: David!!

(Morten was heard quite a distance away. David came running quicker than lightning.)

David: Yeah?

Morten: Could you explain this to me? Who is this guy and how'd he get in here?

David: I didn't sneak him in, that's for sure. Joe here is a friend of mine. Shortly after becoming a vampire, he was there to free me from the grasp of the Osirans. The rest, you pretty much know.

Morten: Uh-huh, but how'd he get in?!

Joe: Simple. I used astral space.

Morten: Astral WHAT??? Oh man... I'm so confused...

David: Relax, Morten. He's on our side.

Morten: How do I know? I've never seen this guy.

David: Joe, have you EVER done any evil in your life?

Joe: Never! As long as I breathe or at least EXIST, I won't stop fighting evil! They've done so much...

(Joe's answer came straight from the heart. No chance of faking THAT. Still a bit confused, Morten accepts Joe, but wonders exactly what he's all about.)

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