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Date Posted: Mon, Jun 11 2001, 12:48:20
Author: David
Subject: Evil?

(David says nothing further to Morten. He's too tired. [He ain't wakin' up 'till it's time to battle DarkSin.] He goes to sleep and dreams of the past. Nosgoth...the dark world of vampires... My life could've been more natural had it not been for Kain. Kain had believed in the rebirth of the Osirans. He thought of them as ancient beings from which vampires came. THat is why he sent his fledglngs to kill the Marked Man. Unfortunately, he would never see the results of his exploit as his empire was comprimised by none other than Raziel. Later, when all seemed normal and Raziel stood triumphant, Sutekh came to claim the world through the vampiric David. Raziel fought him along with an outsider.)


(Raziel faced off with Sutekh The Destroyer. He was buying time for some priests to perform an exorcism, but this Sutekh creature was dynamite!)

Sutekh: No matter what you do, my people will rise again!

Raziel: Not if I steal your soul!

(Suddenly, out of nowhere, Deathwing appeared and attacked the Osiran! His claws dug deep into flesh as he pounded on the creature. Raziel signaled the priests and the exorcism began. Sutekh separated from David, with his own body!)

Deathwing: Oh great...

Sutekh: I live still. Farewell, worthy opponent...

(The Osiran vanished, leaving the weakened David behind to stare at Deathwing, who was becoming the human Joe Hockner.)

David: How did you...?

Joe: It's a long story, but I'll tell it as long as nobody tries to suck my blood OR my soul.

David: Deal.

Raziel: Done.



Remy: Do I LOOK like one of DarkSin's guards?

(They just stare at her.)

Remy: Don't answer that. No, I'm not a guard here. I don't even come from here.

(Remy explains who and what she is as well as where she came from.)

Remy: I DID say there was an evil here and I wasn't kidding. The one who hunts me is a creature of evil that is far more deadly than anything you've ever faced.

Emily: What is it?

Remy: Another spirit, an evil one called...Massacre.

(The exact weight of that statement sits uneasily in Emily's mind. A force greater than both the Hydrans and even Exodez?)

Emily: Why does he hunt you?

Remy: I don't know. He's- Hmmm? Uh oh! He's coming! Take cover if you value your lives!

(Emily and Christine duck under that rocky overhang. Remy just outright disappears. A moment later, they saw it. The deadly Massacre. He took upon the likenesses of a gargoyle, dark brown in color and missing his tail. Emily could tell without sensing that he was strong and did her best to block any sensing abilities he might use. He left a couple minutes later, sounding disgusted.)

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