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Date Posted: Tue, Jun 26 2001, 17:28:30
Author: Morten
Subject: *Morten gains back consciousness*

*When he opens his eyes, he sees the beautiful face of Emily*

Morten: Huh? If I'm dead, you must be the one who welcomes the departed ones to heaven!

Emily:........ Baka, I healed your bruises! You're not dead!

Morten: oh, S***!

*Morten gets up and wipes off the dust from his clothes*

Tempest: Well, as soon as I saw her, I realized you were the ones she was talking about in the future...

Morten: Future? You're from the future? Say do you know Zero?

Tempest: Of course!

Morten: I guess he's okay, if you know him... that's good to know he's not held by those Lizards...

Tempest: You know too about Hydris?

Morten: Well, not exactly, but we've seen Chardannok and the fight between him and Zero...

Tempest: Yes, he told me about it... and that you all saved him!

Morten: Yeah... he's quite a funny and nice guy to have around! Not to mention his cyber enhancements and weapons! He's damn powerful!

*Joe cuts in*

Joe: Hey, keep that for later, we should concentrate on the current situation! There's still DarkSin and Moebius...

Morten: Oh yeah, I'll go see Leon about the attack!

*Morten hurries to Leon's room and knocks*

Leon: enter...

Morten: That's me... we have to prepare the attack!

Leon: After the way you treated me, I know you don't need my signal...

Morten: Say what?

Leon: And after all, most of the rebels were found unconscious, they said a woman savagely beated them...

Morten: ::raising his head in the air and raising his fist::
Damn that Christine! Now our plan is foiled!

Leon: We will have to wait some more...

Morten: We can't there is too a Time-Streamer named Moebius who will cause a massive disaster if we wait too much!

Leon: Then leave me alone... I want to enjoy the time left before "noon", knowing that Sarmento will remain under DarkSin's tyranny... or be destroyed...

Morten: You lost all hope... fine then, just do nothing! You'll thank us when we will have done all the dirty work and liberated Sarmento by ourselves!

*Morten exits Leon's room, slamming the door. Whe he gets back to them, he makes a big decision*

Morten: Since Leon has no willpower left, I am the new commander! We will begin the attack in an hour! But by ourselves, since the rebels are invalid! This is risky, but we can't wait, with Moebius being a bigger threat!

(isn't that serious now?)

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