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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 23 2001, 13:17:16
Author: Joe
Subject: The Truth.

(Joe's strength is at its limits. As a human, he does not share in the same durability as his father. Furthermore, he couldn't possibly help Morten in this form. So...)

Joe: I have...no choice.

(The form of Joe warps and distorts to become a dark-gray half-gargoylian creature with no horns or tail, but pointed ears and an evil face. His claws can cut the wind and his power could rip the world apart. This is the true son of Massacre known as Deathwing!)

Marax: What the...! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!

David: Whoa! Hey, guys! Chill for a minute! I'll explain it.

Marax: Says the vampire.

David: Don't get personal. Joe here is a hybrid decendant of the deadly Massacre. He was born as a human and changed in the prime of his life, utterly ruining it. When I met Joe, he was still mentally withdrawing from it all, even after 500 years!

Marax: ...Helluva depression...

David: Joe was designed to be the evil successor to Massacre's growning empire, but he wouldn't accept it no matter what. Jow is more human than anyone I ever met on Nosgoth. Even as his alter-ego...

Emily: Alter-ego?

Deathwing: The evil side of me, the one you see now, Deathwing. I am vicious, but not for Massacre's way!

Emily: Is this why you were so secretive?

Deathwing: ...Yes. could not afford to say anything because it would produce the same effect as Massacre appearing before them. Even though some aspects of my life have changed, I am still ashamed of what I am.

(Emily was able to pick up on a few things that Joe meant by 'aspects'. He's been able to create a life...a family...)

Emily: You're a lucky man, Joe. You've been able to do things that nobody else could ever accomplish, despite everything put up against you.

David: You've really changed since I last saw you. What happened?

Deathwing: I found something to fight for, something more important than my own revenge.

David: What?

Deathwing: No. Not now. We have work to do.

(Deathwing gets to work reviving Morten.)

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