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Date Posted: Thu, Sep 27 2001, 1:37:41
Author: Morten
Subject: *As they enter the throne room*

Morten: DarkSin, your end is near!

*They realize that DarkSin in sleeping*

Morten: ~anime sweatdrop~ I guess even villains need to rest sometimes...

Leon: Let's take advantage of this!

Marax: Have you no honor? that would be too easy!

Leon: To hell with honor! ~Takes a stone, charges it and then readies it in his slingshot~ Wild Focus!

*Leon fires, but at that instant, the mysterious man appears in front of DarkSin and catches the stone*

Mysterious man: it's not nice to attack someone in his sleep...

Leon: What? Who are you?

Mysterious man: I am DarkSin's counselor, his most trusted servant! I am here to proveide DarkSin with the latest infromations, and I watch over his safety, in cases like this!

*DarkSin wakes up*

DarkSin: Counselor, what's up?

Counselor: King DarkSin, we seem to have some unexpected visitors...

*DarkSin gets up and takes a few steps forward whiel the counselor moves out of his way*

DarkSin: Ahh, Morten! I didn't expect you to survive to my fenrirs... seems your stay on Earth made you stronger!

*David rushes and pushes Morten out of his way*

David: I was the one who saved the day back then! Now that you have your answer, tell me where I can find yout MLT! I'm hungry!

*DarkSin gets very annoyed and shoots a weak blast of Dark Power(the EVIL Dark Power) to david, knocking him out*

Emily: David! *flies to david to watch over him*

DarkSin: Not so fast! ~uses his power to stop Emily, and draws her to him~ Know what? You will become my Queen! I'm sure we'll be happy together!

Emily: Eek! Let me go, you sick freak! ~prepares to cast Destructos, but failed~

DarkSin: Tsk tsk! Your powers won't help you in any way! Nullified!

Marax: Emily! Let her go, you self-important slime!

*Marax fires a beam of Ameratsu to DarkSin, but disappears before it could reach DarkSin!*

Marax: ~eyes open wide~ What the...?

DarkSin: Is that the best you can do?

Emily: Help!

*Samuel jumps, but when landing, he gets stopped in mid-air*

DarkSin: Scram! ~Waves his hand, and he gets thrown against a wall~

Gregor: M'lord, if he could nullify the power of Lady Emily, that must mean he is indeed powerful!

Morten: Let's strike altogether!

*They rush to DarkSin ready to attack, but DarkSin. with a motion of his hand, stuns the entire party*

DarkSin: No matter how hard you try, I will always win in the end! Now you shall perish! ~charges for an instant-kill spell~

Will the heroes really perish? and will Emily really become the wife of DarkSin? Find out in the next part!

OOC:Leave it all to me! Read the plot board for more information!

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