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Date Posted: Thu, Sep 27 2001, 11:03:20
Author: Morten
Subject: DarkSin's gets angered to Emily's denial...

DarkSin:If that's so, you will die like the rest!

*DarkSin uses his other hand to stun Emily too, while the other is still charging for the instant-kill spell*

DarkSin: Shame that i must do this... according to the fact I possibly COULDN'T hold you captive... You would have made me happy, and I would have done the same in return, and...

*DarkSin continues with his babbling*

Morten: I can't let him kill us like that... everyone wants Sarmento to be free from DarkSin's tyranny and want to see the light of day back! I am the only one able to break myself free... and now's my chance, while's he's babbling enlessly!

*On those thoughts, Morten concentrates hard and tries his hardest to move and break the power of the stun spell... as he tries, Dark Energy emanates from him, and the struggle finally come to and end when he is freed, with a sound of an explosion! But this sound made DarkSin snap out of his fantasy world...*

DarkSin: How could you-

Morten: ...do that? A trick I learned while my stay on Earth!

DarkSin: It would have benn in vain! My instant-kill spell is ready! OBLIVION!!!!!

*Morten moves on ahead of the rest of the group and uses all his Dark Powers to counter the Oblivion spell... then a Dark Power emitting fight for the fate of Sarmento begins... After a moment, it stops, with Morten and DarkSin kneeling down on the ground, exhausted*

DarkSin: My magic is exhausted...

Morten: and mine too...

DarkSin: ~raises his head to look at Morten~ but how did you counter my spell?

Morten: With Dark Power too...

DarkSin: ~gets up~ Impossible! You can't counter it using the same power!

Morten: ~getting up~ This isn't either! there are two types of Dark Power! Yours is the Evil Dark Power, and mine is the Good one! This is why I could do it!

DarkSin: Where, when and how you learned that doesn't matters, because you will die here! I guess it's hand-to-hand and fight to death single combat, Morten!

Morten: ~nunchaku in hand~ no problem for me!

DarkSin: don't be too confident... ~takes out a gemstone studded Ninja Staff~

Morten: ~gasps~ I... I know this staff! It was...

DarkSin: It was the Ninja Staff your father used when he was a guard of late King Bristen... It would be pertinent to use it to send you join him in the Dark World! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!


OOC: This is Morten's fight, and Morten's alone... is his Dark Powers weren't drained, he would have freed the others too... But this is not the case, so there is nothing you can do, but watch (and maybe encourage him?)

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