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Date Posted: Thu, Oct 04 2001, 16:10:08
Author: Morten
Subject: Fight against DarkSin (final act?)

*DarkSin was grinning evilly*

DarkSin: You are always trying, thinking you can stand against me... your perseverance is foolish!

Morten: Well, for the time being, I stopped your Oblivion twice!

DarkSin: As they say, "the third try is always the good one"! So I don't worry about that... The powers of this Angel Girl are enough to kill you two then cast another Oblivion to wipe out the rest...

Morten: But she has Holy powers! How can you-

DarkSin: I can use any energy and power, it gets converted into Dark Power as long as I have them!

Morten: Except mine, The Good Dark Power!

DarkSin: I guess so... I have never heard of this one before...

Morten: So you have no chance against us! Give up!

DarkSin: Don't try to get mne this easily! Your power is opposite to mine, so mine is opposite to yours also!

Gregor: Enough talk! Let's settle this once for all!

*The fight begins! They run to DarkSin, but DarkSin launches Dark Spells to each of them using a hand for each... the blast is so strong that even if they can block his spells using their sword, even if they advance, they get pushed back while blocking*

DarkSin: What? Giving up so soon?

Morten: His powers...

Gregor: ...are immense...

DarkSin: Better face your destiny and die honorably!

Morten: Never! DARK FORCE!

*Morten extends his hand to DarkSin to hit him with the spell, but nothing happens!*

Morten: What? Impossible! I should have recovered enough power to cast this!

Gregor: Creating the sword meant giving up on your Dark Powers also...

Morten: Damn! So there is nothing we can do!

Gregor: maybe except continuing what we were doing until he runs up on Dark Power!

DarkSin: No luck, what I was using that could push you back was my weakest spell, the Energy the spell drains from me recovers almost immediately!

Morten: Weakest spell?

DarkSin: Shows how pathetic you are...

Gregor: Pathetic? Now I lost my temper!

Morten: You're not the only one!

*Morten and Gregor feel anger rising inside of themselves*

Morten & Gregor: ~raising their sword in the air~ POWER TRIP!

*Morten and Gregor cross their sword, then they go each to a side. Then they lunges, right to DarkSin. DarkSin tries to stop them, but he doesn't suceeds. As they reac him they slash him at the same time as they pass by him. (Like X Strike form Chrono Trigger, performed by Crono and Frog)*

DarkSin: EEEAAAARRRRGGGHHHH! ~falls down to his knees~ How could you do this?

Morten: This is called a "Power Trip"! It happens in cases of extreme anger! While happening, nothing can even harm us!

DarkSin: Too weak... to do anything... must heal... myself! ~tries to raise his arm to heal, but can't even move it~

Gregor: Don't try to, the Good Dark Energy contained in our swords paralyzed you! It's the end, DarkSin!

Morten: And this will be a great honor to die by my hand!

*Morten moves in fornt of DarkSin and point his sword to DarkSin's throat*

Morten: With this hit, I will avenge King Bristen, and dissolve the curse upon Sarmento!

*Morten then slashes to DarkSin, cutting his head off*

Gregor: Could this really be... the end of Sarmento's tyranny?

*While Morten and Gregor are pondering, the others get released from their stunned state*


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