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Date Posted: Sun, Oct 07 2001, 17:49:39
Author: Morten
Subject: Sarmento crumbling

Leader: I guess DarkSin didn't only cast a curse of Eternal Night! He also cast one that will destroy Sarmento upon his death!

Morten: This is the end!!!

*All the characters lose consciousness. After a while, they wake up in the rebels base infirmary*

Nurse: Good! You're awake!

Morten: Ohh... what happened?

Nurse: Well, there has been an Earthquake, and then some rebel guards found you outside, unconscious...

Morten: Where are the others?

Nurse: They're already better, in the meeting room, waiting for you!

Morten: Then I better get going!

*Morten gets up and hurries to the meeting room, with the nurse following. Everyone is there, and Prince Krintar too. He sits down*

Krintar: They told me everything. DarkSin is now dead, and the curse has been broken... but something else happened, the dimension crumbled!

Morten: Yes... what has become of the city?

Krintar: It's safe... we seem to have ended up somewhere we don't know... Miss Emily flew up to see if there was anything in the horizon, and she saw a town. Then, we have sent a reconnaissance team to find out where we are... they might come back any minute now!

Leader: Everyone has already left the base to wait for the team to come back... we are the only ones still inside... we should join them outside!

Krintar: Agreed, let's go!

*They all leave the base and join the others to the edge of town*

Krintar: Miss Emily, could you fly up and look if the team is coming back?

Emily: Sure, but just call me Emily...

*Emily flies up high and looks in the distance. Then seh gets back down and lands*

Krintar: Then?

Emily: They are almost there!

Krintar: We just have to wait a few minutes...

*After a few minutes , the reconnaissance team reaches the city*

Krintar: So, where are we?

Team leader: They said the town was called Tanyoran...

Morten: Tanyoran! I know this town! So we are on... Earth...

Leader: Earth? You sure?

Morten: Yes! Absolutely!

Krintar: So, this is Earth? It is such a nice place! Now that we know where we are, we can prepare the ceremony of my ascension to the throne!

Rebels: Yes, majesty!

Krintar: ~Turns to the heroes~ It might be ready in a couple days... In the meantime, you can have a room in the castle!

*The heroes & company all head for the castle, to prepare the ceremony*


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